Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan Affirms Extensive Implementation of National Education Policy 2020 Across States

School and Education Jan. 22, 2024, 4:47 p.m.

On Friday, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan asserted that nearly all states are incorporating the National Education Policy 2020, even if they express it differently.
He expressed satisfaction, emphasizing the widespread implementation of the policy, calling it a profound and historical document.
Speaking at IIT-Hyderabad during the inauguration of IInvenTiv 2024, the country's largest R&D Innovation Fair from Higher Education Institutions, he highlighted the expanded scope and potential of the event, envisioning it as an iconic brand in the technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship sector.
"Pleased to inaugurate #IInvenTiv2024 at IIT Hyderabad. Glad that in the second edition, we have enlarged the scope of this innovation showcase and have taken this event beyond IITs," Pradhan stated.
"With such extensive participation from HEIs and industry, #IInvenTiv is poised to become an iconic brand in the technology, innovation and entrepreneurship sector," he said.

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