Government of India plans to introduce 'One Nation, One ID' for School Students

Student And Schools Oct. 17, 2023, 3:19 p.m.

Per the provisions of the National Education Policy (NEP) of 2020, the Union Ministry has introduced an initiative designed to establish individualized identification numbers for students enrolled in schools across India. This initiative called the 'One Nation One Student ID' program, officially recognized as the 'Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry (APAAR),' will serve as an enduring identification number. Its primary function is to monitor meticulously and document students' scholastic accomplishments and educational journeys, in addition to simplifying the process of transferring between educational institutions, as reported by The Times of India.
In the words of T G Sitharaman, Chairman of the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), "APAAR and the National Credit Framework will essentially serve as the QR code for learners throughout the nation, with every acquired skill being duly acknowledged."
Furthermore, this system is expressly devised to enable students to digitally archive their examination results, athletic achievements, and outcomes in various academic competitions such as Olympiads. It also aims to facilitate the identification and support of students who may be at risk of discontinuing their education, thereby aiding in their integration into the mainstream educational framework. Registration within this educational ecosystem will be contingent upon parental consent, and the respective states and Union Territories (UTs) have received directives to initiate the enrollment process.
The Ministry of Education will be responsible for generating the APAAR ID, which will be based on the unique Aadhaar number assigned to each student. This generation process necessitates the explicit consent of the student's parents, as outlined in a communication from the Ministry to the Commissioner of Education.

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