Education Beyond Books: Why Extracurricular Activities are Important in Schools


When I was in school, I used to be an academic student. I was one of the bright students who bagged fairly good grades in all my academic subjects. And yes, being an academically sharp student does have its perks, but it is an incomplete recipe for a student’s overall growth and development.
I have not been very fond of sports, maybe because I am not a very athletic kid. But I have always enjoyed dancing. Doing good in my studies does provide me with academic satisfaction, but dancing lifts up my mood. Not only that, but it is also a way to keep my body moving and release my stress levels.
Because I have had a first-hand account, I can vouch for the fact that indulging in extracurricular activities, apart from academics, has many benefits for a student’s physical and mental growth, personality development, and overall well-being.
Extra-curricular activities are more than traditionally understood to be confined to sports. Indulging in debates and public speaking, taking part in various kinds of clubs, participating in quizzes and inter and intra-school competitions, dancing, singing, and all kinds of activities other than academics that develop a student’s skill and contribute to his holistic development, are known to be extra-curricular activities.
I am sure most of you indulge in extra-curricular activities apart from your academics. But some of you might be restricted to focusing on being academically good, which is great. But let me tell you some reasons why it is a very good idea to take some time out and adapt an activity or two apart from studies, and how it can benefit you -

Holistic Development -
Students have the opportunity to grow their skills and abilities outside of the classroom through extracurricular activities. Indulging in extracurriculars also enables a student to be fit and maintain health. Sports, arts, music, drama, debating, and numerous clubs and organizations are all included in this list of activities. These activities support the intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development of students.

Teamwork and Social Skills -
Group Projects, club activities, and team sports promote teamwork and boost the social skills of a student. Students can learn how to effectively communicate and cooperate with their teammates and counterparts and resolve conflicts, a skill that holds a lot of value in real-life situations too.

Decision Making -
Indulging in Extracurricular activities inculcates the art of decision-making. The process of decision-making includes setting your goals, prioritizing important tasks, assessing the risk involved, adapting to unexpected changes on the field, and improvising and resolving conflicts. Extracurriculars teach these skills to a student, which have application to various aspects of our lives.

Crisis Management -
Crisis management is a very important skill in life, and making extracurriculars a part of our lives teaches us that. Knowing how to work under pressure, make instant decisions, the art of problem-solving, communicating effectively with our peers, and being emotionally resilient are essential life skills. Participating in mock trials, quizzes, and debates teaches us crisis management.

Time Management -
Indulging in extracurriculars holds an intrinsic value when it comes to learning the art of time management. Students can learn how to set their goals, prioritize tasks, and manage their time effectively. This skill will help you throughout your life.

Exploring Interests and Potential Career Paths -
Indulging in extracurricular activities gives you a chance to explore your hidden interests and activities that you might be good at. It opens the doors to potential career paths ahead.

Enhanced Learning -
Extracurriculars reinforce academic learning. For example, a student can join maths and language clubs, and take part in science competitions, and quizzes. It enhances a student’s knowledge of a particular topic and subject, in addition to nurturing the love of learning

Leadership Qualities -
Extracurriculars are an excellent way to inculcate leadership qualities in a student. Being a club president or a team captain provides you with opportunities to learn how to motivate and guide your peers.

And most importantly, extracurriculars are essential for building character and developing your personality. Being academically bright in this generation has become a necessity, but being more will make you stand out of the crowd. It is also a great way to release your stress, so you can better focus on your studies and handle the academic pressure more effectively. It is always better to take time and look out of your books, you will realize there is a plethora of opportunities that the world has to offer.
As someone has said, “Learning is more than just paper, pen, and books.”

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